Sir, We write to compliment Denis Coghlan on his recent article (March 30th) about the chaotic state of our Irish liquor licensing…

Sir, We write to compliment Denis Coghlan on his recent article (March 30th) about the chaotic state of our Irish liquor licensing laws. It is, to our personal knowledge, the first time that a political correspondent has seriously addressed the problem. More, he places the responsibility and the guilt precisely where it belongs our politicians of all colours and all parties have never addressed the chaotic situation. By their negligence they are clearly responsible for the shambles which not only makes our law a joke, but brings in its wake the litany of tragedies which only the prejudiced will try to deny. Public opinion is now so conditioned so drugged by the drug alcohol that if someone simply points out the truth he is more than likely to be regarded widely as fanatical. We sincerely hope that Denis Coghlan is not dismissed by the unthinking public in a like manner.

He lay's an unerring finger, too, on the source of influence and pressure on politicians in this regard. It is the very powerful drinks lobby, which has so twisted the arm of politicians as to render almost powerless the arm of the law. His instance of a special Dail Act, put through in a single day to allow licensed outlets to sell alcohol on Christmas Eve whenever it falls on a Sunday is a frightening example of how power is being usurped in this democracy. And his litany of our crazy exemptions, Ball abused to a greater or lesser extent", should surely awaken anyone who still won't believe that we spend two billion pounds every year on the drug alcohol.

Den is Coghlan did not have space in his article for the dark side of the statistics. Our movement, Dothain, can supply the facts about many of them. But will they be believed? If your correspondent made one understatement it was that "we have a real social problem with under age drinking", we have. But we have a real social problem with drinking. Under age drinkers are learning by example.

And meanwhile the Government has failed to produce the promised National Alcohol Policy. Why has it been sidelined? Is the sordid pressure of the drinks lobby being exercised in the shadows again? And what kind of politicians has this country elected that they are prepared to be emasculated so, and allow "the shysters and cowboys to grow wealthy from the subversion of the legal system"?


We have seen commendable urgency in recent days to ensure that BSE does not contaminate our Irish bovine herds. Are we so dull, or drugged, that we cannot notice the tragic comparisons?

Denis Coghlan has given a lead. Dothain sincerely hopes that other correspondents will take a leaf from his book. Yours, etc., Secretary,

Chairman, Dothain, Crossmolina, Co Mayo.