Lights on bicycles

Sir, - Andrew Robinson (November 27th) perfectly sums up the frightening "We own the road" mentality of some motorists.

Sir, - Andrew Robinson (November 27th) perfectly sums up the frightening "We own the road" mentality of some motorists.

Whilst lights on bicycles are certainly an issue, has he not also noticed our footpaths turning into impassable car parks and safety reports detailing that well over 90 per cent of drivers speed in built-up areas (1998 - 111 pedestrians deaths)? Or don't these issues count?

If the gridlock, pollution and general chaos on roads leave him unfazed perhaps he should read your editorial on the failure to reach agreement at the global warming summit, which ironically, appeared beside his letter. There he will read that as a nation and a species we need to change our ways. - Yours, etc.,

David Maher, Dublin Cycling Campaign, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.