Limerick Visitor Centre

Sir, - Prompted by memories from history class and by books on Ireland, my fiance and I made a holiday detour, specifically to…

Sir, - Prompted by memories from history class and by books on Ireland, my fiance and I made a holiday detour, specifically to visit Limerick.

Imagine our shock as we walked over the bridge and along the Shannon to the celebrated Castle of King John, only to stare in horrified disbelief at the monstrosity of a steel box calling itself a visitor centre, plonked unceremoniously in the middle of this splendid and unique part of Ireland's heritage and covered by an eyesore of gaudy banners. It looks for all the world like a cheap tablecloth flung over a hideous piece of furniture which someone dumped in the middle of a beautiful room by mistake.

What on earth is Limerick thinking of? I am sure there must be many tourists who, like us, arrive prepared to spend time and money there, and flee in disgust, without doing either.

I sincerely hope that there are townspeople of Limerick who will do battle against this insult to their city's dignity and that its councillors will quickly take decisive steps to remove this embarrassing testimony to a total lack of appreciation and good taste. - Yours, etc.,


Ann Neill,

