Litter and the environment

Sir, – Well said by Richard Elfner from Germany in relation to the litter on the beach near Kenmare, Co Kerry.

I often like to go for a walk through the tunnel in the Caha Mountains on the road from Kenmare to Glengarriff. The amount of litter left on the side of the road is terrible.

At one stage, I brought some litter bags with me and filled four of them.

The following week I was doing the same walk and the litter was just as bad again.


What a pity that those people, whoever they are, do not make an attempt to keep the countryside clean , so that other visitors can also enjoy the scenery and the countryside around Kenmare and Glengarriff. It is such a beautiful place. It is also insulting to the residents of this area to inflict such damage on their environment. – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.