Litter and the landscape

Madam, - As a long-term resident of Co Wicklow and one who believes it is truly one of the most beautiful counties in Ireland…

Madam, - As a long-term resident of Co Wicklow and one who believes it is truly one of the most beautiful counties in Ireland, I note with dismay that it must be also one of the dirtiest. Travelling along the M50 and on to the N11 from Bray to Wicklow, copious amounts of litter greet the eyes of visitors to the Garden County and certainly bring tears to my eyes.

Wicklow County Council fails to meet the normal environmental standards of cleanliness and as such must be viewed as a very sloppy housekeeper. If we then add the information that Minister for the Environment Dick Roche is a resident of this beautiful county, we must raise our hands in despair. Obviously it is easier for the Minister to pay huge fines to Europe than actively to make sure that the country is kept clean. Privatising waste disposal has been a complete failure - expensive for the people and bad for the countryside.

The town of Wicklow is dull and uninspiring in the summer months, unlike Arklow, which takes enormous pride in looking clean and pretty every summer. Obviously it has an active civic and imaginative town council which motivate a Tidy Towns Committee. Ditto for Bray and Greystones.

Station Road, outside the doors of the county buildings in Wicklow Town, goes a long way towards explaining the attitude that officials must take to environmental housekeeping. A beautiful little stream is virtually hidden and the area is unkempt and badly in need of landscaping. If Wicklow County Council is unable to see what needs to be done right outside its front door, how on earth can we expect the rest of the county to be kept clean and beautiful?


Within the environs of the town beautiful little side roads have become the target of dumpers and the rodents are having a field day. The Rocky Road leading to the N11 is a prime example. It is a known black spot but dumpers act with impunity and dump without fear. Brittas Bay Beach is often littered and filthy. Mr Roche needs to be much more active in ensuring that his own county is spotless if he wishes to implement policies with any degree of credibility.

- Yours, etc,

CHRISTINE DALY, Harbour View, Wicklow.