Litter damage to tourism

Madam, - The report by the Tourist Action Plan Implementation Group (March 14th) fails to address an important consideration …

Madam, - The report by the Tourist Action Plan Implementation Group (March 14th) fails to address an important consideration in attracting tourists to Ireland. In almost every survey of tourist impressions of Ireland, the subject of environmental litter is highlighted as a distasteful and negative aspect of their visit to this country.

In spite of this clear and repeated feedback from the very people whose opinions we should value, very little appears to be done nationwide to deal with the increasing amounts of litter which despoil the environment.

Here in Donegal, an area of outstanding natural beauty, the problem appears to be widespread, and though interested local groups sometimes clean up, the results are minimal and very short lived. Within a few short weeks of these efforts, the footpaths, country lanes and even main roads are once again strewn with rubbish.

The problem of litter is something which should concern everyone, though it is tourists who notice it more since it is they who are appraising the country they have come to visit.


However, we are all responsible for the country we live in, and for Planet Earth, of which this country is part.

Visitors to Ireland know this, and they are naturally offended when they see this basic rule flouted or ignored.

We don't expect guests to stay in neglected or dirty hotels, so why don't we apply this fundamental rule of hospitality to the external environment as well?

What we need is a consistent (and enforced) national policy to address the problem of litter in Ireland, and a firm commitment from local authorities to care for our countryside and our heritage. - Yours, etc,

MARGARET HOUGH, Newtowncunningham, Co Donegal.