Little welcome for walkers

A chara, – I agree with recent letters regarding our continuing loss of so many off- road walkways.

Reasonable and responsible access is allowed in Britain and other countries. Such arrangements operate successfully abroad, promoting many benefits to communities, including, of course, tourism and agri-tourism. Traditionally in Ireland, there was a welcome for walkers, as I enjoyed for many years.

Now, to see the unwelcome signage in many counties, often at important archeological and historical sites – as Prof Seán Duffy recently pointed out – is most regrettable and not in the best public interest.

In the early 1960s, I was glad to be able assure a large rally of ramblers in Britain, that walkers were most welcome here, to “Ireland of the welcomes”, (as the Bord Fáilte could then claim): a slogan that regrettably is not, and indeed could not truthfully be used now. – Is mise,



Founder President and

honorary life member,

Irish Ramblers Club,

Member of Mountaineering

Ireland, Life member of

An Óige,

Co Átha Cliath.