Looking North of the Border

Madam, - I'm sure you know how many copies of The Irish Times are sold in Northern Ireland every day.

Madam, - I'm sure you know how many copies of The Irish Timesare sold in Northern Ireland every day.

I don't - but I do know that I dutifully purchase one every day.

Page 23 of yesterday's edition (August 22nd) is headed "Soccer News". Approximately two-thirds of the page is given over to covering a friendly game between the Republic and Denmark.

A whole column gives us the saga of a relatively unknown Under-21 player (and I think I'm being kind in that description) who didn't play for the Republic in another friendly match.


There are four column inches devoted to the San Marino v Cyprus match.

In case anyone in your office didn't read the "Today's fixtures" section, in Belfast last night there was a qualifying match for Euro 2008 between Northern Ireland and the mighty Liechtenstein, giving Northern Ireland the chance to rise to second in their qualifying group and maintain their (still slim) chance of qualification - something I think is long past for the Republic of Ireland team.

Would it not have been possible to send one of the lesser lights - the new start - in the sports department 100 miles north of the centre of the universe that Dublin has become? Gerry Thornley is already here for the upcoming rugby international so that cub reporter wouldn't have been completely alone.

One of the main reasons I purchase The Irish Timesis its breadth of coverage of international events, business news and an all-island perspective - even when this part was much less attractive than it is today.

My complaint also applies to the restaurant reviews in the Saturday Magazineand it would be nice to know where I could buy the wine North of the Border and for how much - surely not too difficult additional research!

It is the little things that make people feel welcome - just include us in. - Yours, etc,

VICTOR SMYTH, FCA, Sackville Street, Lisburn.