Looking to Liverpool

Sir, – I wish to take your correspondent David Bradshaw (August 13th) to task.

He stated that he knew of no other city with a strand nearby. But he did not look very far for his conclusion.

At the last reckoning Liverpool is still a city and if he had cared to investigate there are numerous strands and beaches within a few kilometres of the city centre.

These strands also have art installations such as the statues at Crosby and great expansive walks like the Wirral (with its view of the UNESCO world heritage riverfront). There is also a nature reserve at Hilbre Island where you can walk at low tide across the estuary.


I agree that Sandymount should be looked at as part of the lungs of the city, but again maybe if he had looked to Liverpool where these areas are amenities that coexist with inner city development he might see a solution.

Everything he mentioned such as a tunnel (two), demarcation between port and strand, and a park (Birkenhead the inspiration for Central Park, New York) are all here. Maybe a visit is needed. – Yours, etc,


Oxton, Wirral, England.