Luas ends in city centre

Sir, – I cannot believe that three years on, Dublin’s Dawson Street is still disrupted by the never-ending Luas works. Buses can barely squeeze down the street, cycling it is like crossing a moonscape, pavements are either closed off or so narrow that pedestrians risk being clipped by passing traffic.

The effect on businesses in the area has to be catastrophic, and the scene is replicated all over the city.

A couple of Saturdays ago, I was in the city just after 9am. The large building sites around Molesworth Street were humming with activity. The Luas works were empty, fenced off and silent as the grave.

Could someone please explain to Transport Infrastructure Ireland that they are building light rail, not the Channel Tunnel nor the Trans-Siberian Railway?


Any chance of finishing in time for the 200th anniversary of the Rising? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.