M. Didier Reynders

26 July 2000

26 July 2000

M. Didier Reynders, Ministre des Finances, Rue de la Loi, 12 1000 Bruxelles

Dear Didier,

As you know by now, the process for considering Ireland's official candidate (who has been endorsed by the Irish Parliament) for Vice-President of the European Investment Bank has been delayed by court proceedings in Ireland taken by an individual citizen. These proceedings were concluded on Friday last, 21 July when the court ruled against the applicant and noted that it is entirely a matter for the Bank to determine.


Following yesterday's meeting of the Board of Directors, the written procedure for making appointments to the two vacant Vice-President positions will shortly be put in train by the Bank. The Board of Directors will consider the candidates and will then put proposals to the Governors of the Bank.

Mr Hugh O'Flaherty, who is the Government's official candidate, is a former member of the highest Court in Ireland, the Supreme Court. He is an outstanding legal figure with extensive associated experience across the spectrum of commerce, taxation and administration. I am confident that Mr O'Flaherty will make a significant contribution to the overall management of the Bank.

I would be grateful if you could give your support to the Irish Government's official candidate for this important post. As this position has been vacant since 6 June last, I would ask that your administration give the matter early attention.

Kind regards, Yours sincerely,

Charlie McCreevy T.D. Minister for Finance and Governor for Ireland