Making sense of that FF-topping poll

Sir, – So let me get this straight again. You run Ireland into the ground through short-term profligate spending, are totally unprepared for an economic downturn and make Ireland, financially speaking, the laughing stock of Europe.

You then escape the responsibility for putting things back on track, you observe and criticise while others bring the country back to some semblance of normality, including low unemployment, low inflation, healthy tax receipts and a balance of payments surplus while at the same time you become, according to the Irish Times opinion poll, the political party with the most support. ("Fianna Fáil pulls ahead of Fine Gael to become most popular party", December 8th),

As a well-known tennis player used to say, “you cannot be serious!”. – Yours, etc,



Bray, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Fianna Fáil is the most popular party in Ireland. Trump is president-elect of the US. Pat Lam is leaving Connacht Rugby. Bosco is on the warpath with RTÉ. Wake me up when 2016 ends.

– Yours, etc,


