Mangling the language

Madam, - My letter of last year has clearly gone unheeded

Madam, - My letter of last year has clearly gone unheeded. I pointed out that many companies, Dublin City Council and the GAA all spell the Irish name of my native city wrongly. I explained that Áth Cliath becomes Átha Cliath only when preceded by another noun - eg, baile, aerfort, etc.

My ticket for this Sunday's All-Ireland quarter final shows "Átha Cliath" playing Tír Eoghain, while Dublin City Council "Summer in Dublin - Átha Cliath" banners adorn our lamp-posts.

Is it really that difficult? - Yours, etc,



Plás an Mhainéir,

Bóthar na gCloch,

Baile Átha Cliath 7.