Marriage referendum

Sir, – The Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) has lost all credibility in our household, and I suspect with many other Catholic families, by its unwillingness to speak out on the forthcoming referendum which seeks to change the meaning of both equality and marriage ("Catholic priests' group won't take stance on referendum", March 24th). We are in a sad place when the ACP, which represents so many priests, panders to a few maverick members and refuses to take a cue from its bishops and the universal church. – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.


Sir, – Fr Brendan Hoban, head of the Association of Catholic Priests in Ireland, has urged priests not to direct parishioners to vote either Yes or No in the marriage equality referendum. In what appears to be support for gay people, Fr Hoban said that “sexual orientation does not debar anyone from God’s love”.

But nobody, that I am aware of, was disputing this fact, and gay people have known this for millennia.

What parishioners need to hear is not that God loves gay people, but that God supports their relationships to the point of wishing them to share in, not only civil, but sacramental marriage. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 14.