Mary Robinson Centre

Sir, – As an archivist it might be expected that I would give an unconditional welcome to the proposed Mary Robinson Centre. However, I cannot but wonder if the money spent on the project would be better used to develop an archive service dedicated to preserving the historical heritage of the entire county of Mayo, of which the Mary Robinson collection could be a centrepiece?

Under the Local Government Act, local authorities are tasked with the care and preservation of local records and archives. Unfortunately many local authorities ignore this requirement by having neither an archive nor an archivist.

An investment in a Mayo archives service would fulfil these legislative requirements, benefit the people of Mayo, provide suitable home for Mary Robinson’s papers, and provide an example which other local authorities could emulate. Who knows, one day students might flock to such an archive to examine our Taoiseach’s papers?

– Yours, etc



South Douglas Road,
