Mass At St Patrick`s

Sir, - In my opinion, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin was quite correct to defer to the sensitivities of certain members…

Sir, - In my opinion, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin was quite correct to defer to the sensitivities of certain members of the Church of Ireland in refusing Dean McCarthy's invitation to have the Roman Catholic Mass said in St Patrick's Cathedral. Dean McCarthy would serve the cause of ecumenism and the Christian Gospel better if he showed the same sensitivity as the Archbishop in his own future pronouncements.

As a member of the Church of Ireland, I should like to extend a personal apology to Archbishop Connell for any embarrassment caused to him. Furthermore, I want to reject the criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church made by Dean McCarthy and apologise to my brother priests in the Roman Catholic Church who may have been hurt by what was said. We all need to remember the admonition of Our Lord, who said: "Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

I look forward to a new millennium of greater agreement among the churches on issues such as Eucharistic hospitality and recognition of ministries. The joint witness of the churches will be necessary in an increasingly materialist world. We must co-operate in promoting the Christian virtues and in speaking out to society and government. - Yours, etc., Rev David Frazer,

St Michael's Rectory, Millicent, Sallins, Co Kildare.