McAleese and the church’s stance on gays

Sir, – Anyone who reads the gospels will see that Jesus Christ loved sinners (Matthew 9:13), spent his time eating and interacting with them (Mark 2:15) and gave his life on their behalf (Romans 5:8).

He commended a man who called himself a sinner (Luke 18:13-14) and instructed his followers to love their enemies and pray for those who persecuted them (Matthew 5:44)

So why do Mary McAleese, and others, have a problem with something Jesus clearly said and did and with the word “sinner” being used?

Perhaps it is because they do not understand how, by having faith, a person is forgiven, can break free from condemnation (Romans 8:1-4), win their struggle with sin (Acts 13:38-39) and have a new life (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Perhaps it’s frustration born out of a lack of hope and a lack of answers. – Yours, etc,



Bullock Park,Carlow.