Meat-free Mondays

Sir, – I refer to Richard Bruton’s approval of the recent leaflet by An Taisce urging schoolchildren to influence their parents so as to give up eating meat on Mondays.

In the first place it is not in the remit of An Taisce, which I understand to be that of the preservation of our inherited built environment, to give instruction to children as to what they ought to eat or not to eat, nor to influence them to badger their parents regarding same. What children eat is the sole prerogative of parents, aided by medical personnel in specific cases.

Furthermore Mr Bruton’s ardour is such that in defending his view, he equates meatless Mondays with the practice of abstaining from meat which was, down the ages, and still is, the normative expression of Friday penance for members of the Catholic Church. Furthermore those obliged by Friday abstinence usually substituted another first-class protein, such as fish or eggs, in lieu.

It is ironic that those who would accuse the church of indoctrination in religious matters prove to be so enthusiastic in their attempts not just to indoctrinate children but to encourage them to indoctrinate their parents. – Yours, etc,




Co Meath.

Sir, – Perhaps I’m mad, but surely those who will benefit from students eating less meat will be those who grow vegetables? I believe they’re commonly described as farmers. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.