Media and international trade treaties

A chara, – Farrel Corcoran wonders why media outlets have not done more to raise public awareness of the potential dangers for this nation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty and the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement ("Media letting Ireland sleepwalk into further loss of sovereignty", Opinion & Analysis, September 23rd). He needs to understand they have been very busy with other matters.

For example, many months were occupied with the attempt to persuade Fianna Fáil to commit political suicide by forming a coalition government with Fine Gael; the endless campaign to garner support for a repeal of the Eighth Amendment; and the ongoing attempts to undermine our denominational school system. And that is but to name a few.

Obviously our media outlets simply have too much on their plates trying to reshape society to worry about such mundane things as informing the public and stimulating a debate about possible threats to our national sovereignty. – Is mise,




Co Kilkenny.