Medical benefits of cannabis

Sir, – Thank you to Dr Muiris Houston for his informative article on the therapeutic qualities of cannabis ("Medical benefits of cannabis beyond doubt", August 1st).

If I may add, the person who introduced cannabis to western medicine in the 19th century was a Limerick doctor, William Brooke O’Shaughnessy.

He had learned about the drug while working in India, publishing the famous paper On the preparations of Indian hemp, or gunjah on his return.

Dr O’Shaughnessy’s greater contribution to medicine was his pioneering research on cholera.


Outside of medicine, he was highly regarded for his inventions in the field of telegraphy.

For his achievements, he was knighted by Queen Victoria who is reported to have used cannabis tincture for her painful menstrual cramps.

– Yours, etc,


Oliver Plunkett St,
