Memories Of Hopkins

Sir, - As a Hopkins scholar, I've recently come upon delightful memories of Gerard Manley Hopkins in his Dublin years; they were…

Sir, - As a Hopkins scholar, I've recently come upon delightful memories of Gerard Manley Hopkins in his Dublin years; they were written by three children of the MacCabe family who knew Hopkins when he regularly visited their father, Dr (later Sir) Francis MacCabe, for Sunday dinner at the family home, Belleville, in Donnybrook.

When in Dublin last summer, I tried to find members of the family to ask their permission to publish this material. Alas, I had no success, and so I make this effort to contact them through The Irish Times.

The MacCabe children in question are: Mrs Mary (MacCabe) Roantree, of Newbridge, Co Kildare; Mrs K. Frances (MacCabe) Cullinan, of Dublin (her daughter is Mrs Ruth Dooley, recently of Eglinton Roadd, Dublin 6); and Col John Francis MacCabe of Dublin. - Yours, etc.,

Joseph J. Feeney, SJ, Professor of English, St Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA 19131, USA.