Meningitis B vaccine

Sir, – I would like to say how much I appreciated Muiris Houston's article "Who will be to blame when the first unvaccinated baby dies from meningitis B?" (Health + Family, November 20th), regarding the the delays surrounding a vaccine against meningitis B which is due to be introduced to the free childhood vaccination programme from December 1st.

Since our daughter Elizabeth died of meningitis B, I have been working on my own and with the Meningitis Research Foundation ( to raise awareness of this devastating disease. The current situation regarding the implementation of the Bexsero vaccine was clearly outlined in the article.

It is just so close to the line after a long struggle, but we need a “touchdown” in order for it to have any value.

Thank you so much for highlighting this.


For children to die from meningitis B in 2017 would be a double tragedy. I say a double tragedy because to lose a child is a tragedy. However, to think that we had the resources to prevent it, and didn’t, would be the worst tragedy of all. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.