MEPs' Friday expenses

Madam, - I refer to Bernice Harrison's radio review of May 1st concerning a recent discussion on MEPs' allowances on RTE's Liveline…

Madam, - I refer to Bernice Harrison's radio review of May 1st concerning a recent discussion on MEPs' allowances on RTE's Liveline.

The headline "Blowing the whistle on Strasbourg Friday" tendentiously implied wrongdoing where none was demonstrated. The review itself was a mixture of some of the facts (about what was said on Liveline, but without any apparent concern for the accuracy of what was said), unfounded allegations of impropriety, and Ms Harrison's opinions thereon.

It is true as Ms Harrison says, that Parliament does not sit on Fridays. However, she then jumps to the conclusion that "there's no need [for MEPs\] to be there on Fridays". This is also true, but it is completely beside the point.

The relevant facts are as follows. MEPs are often detained so late on Thursday on parliamentary business in Strasbourg that they have no option but to stay overnight and return home on Friday. Under the Parliament's rules they are entitled to the daily allowance for such Fridays provided they sign the register on Friday before leaving to start what, for Irish MEPs, is typically a six to eight-hour journey to Dublin or a 10- to 12-hour journey home to other parts. - Yours, etc.,


JIM O'BRIEN, Head of Office, European Parliament, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.