Merrion Gates

Sir, - Although I fully agree with the noble sentiments of Mr Christopher Kingston on the dismal situation at Merrion Gates, …

Sir, - Although I fully agree with the noble sentiments of Mr Christopher Kingston on the dismal situation at Merrion Gates, I can assure him that his proposed course of action, namely running the DART line under the road, would be an extremely complicated civil engineering venture. The earthworks, retaining wall and bridge construction under the roadway would necessitate the closure of Merrion Gates for a considerable time for both trains and traffic - not to mention exorbitant construction costs.

When one considers the painful drawn-out process of planning applications, geological reports, engineering consultants' reports (why do we always use British consultants?) awaiting structural funding from the EU, changes of government, influence of the Green Party on Dublin 4, etc., the chances of Merrion Gates being developed in our lifetime are about as slim as Leeds United's chances of winning the Premiership this year (currently running at 50/1). - Yours, etc.,

Patrick Byrne,

(Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers),


