Michael Foot’s ‘donkey jacket’

Sir, – Kevin P McCarthy (December 3rd) takes Brendan Bracken (November 30th) to task for restating the myth perpetrated by a right-wing Tory press about Michael Foot donning a "donkey jacket" at a solemn ceremony. While it's true that Foot never wore such attire "at a wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day in November 1981", the myth might never have been born if it were not for the less than complimentary remarks about Foot's attire by one of his own Labour Party colleagues. Apparently, having watched the ceremony on television, the then Labour MP for Derby South, Walter Johnson, phoned the Press Association's Chris Moncrieff and said this: "I was watching this morning and was disgusted to see that the leader of her majesty's opposition looked more like an Irish navvy than a party leader". His remarks were published; the rest is history. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.


Sir, – The sensible “donkey jacket” would indeed be ideal for covering one’s ass, these chilly days. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.