Michael O'Leary and shooting cyclists

Sir, – Why does the media give any attention to Michael O'Leary's rants when he thinks he has a great solution to what he perceives as problems in the city ("Ryanair's Michael O'Leary says cyclists should be shot", May 5th).

Like a baby he throws his rattle out to seek attention, waits for the media to pick it up and rattle it for him again before giving it back so that he can pacify himself until the next outburst.

– Yours, etc,



Harold’s Cross,

Dublin 6W.

Sir, – Michael O’Leary says, “In a country where it rains about 250 days a year, the way forward in Dublin is, more bicycles”. He reflects a common misconception when he suggests that it rains 250 days a year on cyclists.

It doesn’t matter how many days it rains – it only matters if it rains at the time you are cycling.

I have been cycling every day, at the same time, for decades and I have only needed to put on full waterproofs, when it rained in wet Fermanagh during my hour’s cycle, on much less than 100 days average.

Rainfall in any particular hour in Dublin would probably be only half that annual average.

– Yours, etc,


