Milk quotas brought stability

Sir, – I have been watching the extensive coverage regarding the abolition of the EU milk quota on Irish broadcast media over the last number of days. I am surprised by the one-sided analysis of what it means for Irish farmers.

A picture has been painted of Irish farmers being held back by the quota for the past few decades, with this abolition heralding a new era of growth and success for Irish agriculture. I certainly agree that for many farmers this has and will be the case. Many will be able to expand and enjoy the financial gain that that brings.

The current media representation, however, has failed to address how the EU milk quota was positive for some farmers. It brought stability to milk prices and allowed some to farm on a scale in line with their own personal circumstances and resources.

The abolition will most likely bring volatility to the price of milk and the dairy market in general. For many small-scale farmers, the only option will be to go big or go home.


I suppose, though, that doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as does celebrating Ireland’s new age of “white gold”. – Yours, etc, AOIFE O’SULLIVAN Kenmare, Co Kerry.