Mind the e-scooters

Sir, – While Lynn McMahon (September 4th) regards the e-scooter as the perfect transportation solution, there are two major problems with the e-scooter.

First, while e-scooter users may be happy, the taxman certainly won’t be.

The potential loss in tax revenue if an e-scooter replaces a car will put the exchequer under even more pressure, especially with the push towards subsidised electric vehicles in general.

The second, unfortunately, is idiocy. Driving at maximum speed on pedestrian footpaths and weaving at higher speed between pedestrians is the type of behaviour which is likely to increase when idiots are let loose on e-scooters. It’s already bad enough with ordinary bicycles.


At least with an ordinary bicycle or e-bicycle, there is some effort in getting up to speed. When there is no effort at all involved in propelling the thing, the lazy irresponsible idiots that are out there are likely to buy even more of them.

Having said the above, the bicycle, electric bicycle and now the e-scooter all offer low-cost environment solutions to short-distance travel when used by sensible people.

But only if they are all subject to the same law and especially enforcement as regular vehicles. – Yours, etc,



Co Carlow.