Mind your dogs on Halloween

Sir, – A good scare on Halloween can be fun, but no one wants to be haunted because their beloved animal companion was sickened, injured or even killed during the festivities.

Many animals can’t resist sampling treats – wrappers and all – that contain toxic ingredients such as chocolate and xylitol. Keep all sweets out of reach of animals, and do the same for candles and jack-o-lanterns, which can cause burns and fires if knocked over.

Dressing up isn’t always fun for animals, because costumes can impair their ability to see, move and breathe – and some are simply just uncomfortable.

Animals can also choke or strangle if they chew small parts from their costumes or become entangled. Leave dress-up to the kids.


Costumed visitors at the door can make even the friendliest animals skittish and prone to bolting or biting.

Try to stay with your animals in a quiet room, away from the door, and make sure that they’re microchipped and wearing collars with current ID tags, just in case. – Yours, etc,


Peta UK,

All Saints Street,
