Minister left grounded

Madam, - I admit to some amusement on reading that Minister for Arts and Tourism John O'Donoghue was barred from a Ryanair flight…

Madam, - I admit to some amusement on reading that Minister for Arts and Tourism John O'Donoghue was barred from a Ryanair flight from Cork to Dublin because he forgot to bring his passport (The Irish Times, March 6th). Ryanair's rules state that a national identity card, such as that possesed by citizens from 23 of the EU's 25 member-states - would be sufficient for travel between Cork and Dublin. Unfortunately for the Minister, being an Irish citizen, he cannot have an ID card even if he wants one, and must bring a passport.

Perhaps, after his long drive to Dublin, he will call on the Minister for Justice for a chat about introducing voluntary ID cards for Irish citizens. - Yours, etc,




