MMR Vaccination

Sir, - Dr Muiris Houston in his article on the Vaccination Awareness Campaign (March 22nd) makes the classic mistake that is …

Sir, - Dr Muiris Houston in his article on the Vaccination Awareness Campaign (March 22nd) makes the classic mistake that is all too common among the medical profession i.e. not listening to their patients/customers.

There is an ever-increasing number of parents reporting that their previously happy child retreated into the unforgiving grip of autism following receipt of the MMR vaccine. This is not to suggest that this is the only cause of autism. Experts agree that there are many possible causes of autism - genetic predisposition, complications at childbirth or following a bout of encephalitis or meningitis, to name a few. However it is clear from two separate studies in California and the UK that there has been a huge increase in autism since the late 1980s. The jury is still out on the reason. But as voices continue to be raised against the MMR, why not break it down into three separate doses, one year measles, next mumps etc. As Dr Houston points out, the take-up rates on the DTP vaccine, which is already administered in three doses, are significantly higher than the MMR take up rates. So Joe Public does not object to this wise course of action.

But what really takes the biscuit is Muiris Houston blaming the media for "scaremongering". Does he really believe that the media are making up stories? I thought, in these enlightened times, that we had well passed the day when we blamed the "meejah" for everything.

The concept of "herd immunity" that Dr Houston refers to should in fact be applied to the medical profession, as that herd is becoming increasingly "immune" to these challenging issues. - Yours, etc.,


Niall Dollard, Smithsland Court, Kilkenny City.