Mobile Phone Masts

Sir, - I think that Liam Nolan (August 11th) has raised a very valid point in relation to the proliferation of Mobile Phone Masts…

Sir, - I think that Liam Nolan (August 11th) has raised a very valid point in relation to the proliferation of Mobile Phone Masts in all parts of the country.

Both Eircell and ESAT Digiphone are engaged in a race to get as many masts commissioned in as short a period as possible to meet their own needs. They have been assisted in this by the various derogations allowed to them by the previous Government, thereby depriving individuals and communities of their rights to be involved in the normal planning process. The objective of both companies is to maximise profits from this fast growing industry with no thought for the environment, local communities, the planning process or the health of the community.

It is time that the Government stopped any more aerials and transmitter towers being erected and reviewed the need for those already in existence. - Yours, etc.,

V. Barrett,


Sutton Park, Dublin 13.