Mobile phones in cars

Sir, – The use of mobile phones in cars is in the news again with the withdrawal of legislation to penalise texting or accessing social media sites while driving ("Wider penalties for phone use when driving dropped", January 18th).

The reasons given are reasonable but entirely predictable and no doubt significant cost has been incurred in all the discussions and negotiations.

What is not in doubt is the transgression of the law of the use of hand-held phones in cars, vans and lorries. I see this transgression on a daily basis, ranging from juggernauts on roundabouts and sharp bends, with drivers manoeuvring their mammoths one-handedly, to high-end SUVs and saloons (equipped with expensive hands-free systems), with the driver earnestly in conversation with the phone jammed to the ear. I have yet to hear of a prosecution in either situation.

If we cannot formulate legislation to take account of texting, surely we can enact a Bill which ensures that all lorries and vans must be equipped with hands-free devices and that they and cars that predate the introduction of such technology must be retrofitted, and that we increase the penalty for any violation and are vigilant in its enforcement. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.