Moderation and balance in meat debate

Sir, – I find all this hoopla and concern over processed red meat completely hypocritical given the Government’s acquiescence in the sale of already confirmed carcinogens – cigarettes. Perhaps for consistency purposes the Government should consider banning wholesome packaging on sirloin steaks altogether?

Pictures of Farmer Jack and Lassie on tractors beside grazing cattle in luscious green dales would be replaced with pictures of black cancerous bowels. A lovely image.

I’m not a farmer but if I was I’d be raging at the disproportionate reporting, on this one report, by the media. As with most foods, moderation and balance is the answer. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – A couple of points come to mind regarding the latest WHO findings regarding processed meat and the reaction to those findings.

Firstly, if processed meat is as dangerous as smoking in terms of cancer, why did it take so long to find this out, especially considering the enormous sums of money that publicly- funded research consumes each year.

Secondly, as for hospitals reviewing their menus, the amount of time the average person spends in hospital is likely to be a fraction of a percent of his or her life. The increase in risk of meat-induced cancer, caused by eating meat in hospital, would be, I imagine, undetectable.

The fuss at the HSE regarding this increased risk leads me to wonder could their resources perhaps be better managed?

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 16,