Montrose Accents

Sir, - I await, but not with bated breath, the response from RTE to Flann O Riain's challenge (August 5th) to explain why the…

Sir, - I await, but not with bated breath, the response from RTE to Flann O Riain's challenge (August 5th) to explain why the "vowel-squeezing" accent appears to be the required one for its newsreaders.

Does RTE put its applicant newsreaders through some form of coaching to ensure the proper "vowel-squeezing" is achieved, noticeably in words with "ou" and "ow" sounds? How a "hundred thousand pounds", "county Council" and "roundabout" are pronounced must be the acid test. So many of the young "plain people of Ireland" up and down the country now seem to have the impression that this is the "best and most suited accent" to adopt, and are already doing so. Will GOB (Guard Our Brogue Society) be able to withstand this trend? - Yours, etc.,

William J. Hayes, Carraig Hill, Roscrea, Co Tipperary.