More to life than the Leaving Cert

Sir, – Now that the Leaving Certificate examinations are about to start, could I make a plea to all newspapers, radio and television personnel to please, please refrain from this endless flow of “information” which is never-ending at this time of the year? Surely the young people have enough pressure on them without the media putting in its oar at every moment. The students have enough to do – last-minute cramming, taking in hints from their experts (the teachers), and they do not need any more pressure from the media. How is it that this frenzy from the media comes with the Leaving Certificate each year? There are reams of papers printed, giving “advice” on each and every aspect of the exam. Why? It seems to me that the same stuff is regurgitated each year and for no other reason than that it might sell a few more newspapers or get a few more viewers or listeners. It is not fair. It is not fair to students. They don’t need it. They get all the advice and information from their teachers.

It is not fair to parents who are living with enough stress as it is without the media piling it on. It is not fair to teachers who are advising their students all year and not in the fortnight before the exams.

And the most surprising bit of all is that once the exam is over (and the ones with the huge points lauded), everyone forgets about the exams again until the next year, and there we go again.

As a mother, having put seven children through education and now helping (by standing back, encouraging and loving) with 13 grandchildren, I say to the media, go get another story to rip into. To parents I say, tell your children, and often, that you love them. Tell them that you hope they will do their best but that whatever the outcome they can come home and they will be loved just as much as ever. Tell them there is lifelong learning and the Leaving Cert is but one, relatively small, stepping stone along the road of life. And always remember, the ones who do best do not always succeed best in life.


That’s my advice, for what it’s worth. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.