Moving the Seanad to the museum

Sir, – Letter writers to The Irish Times are known for their humour and perspicacity.

However, amongst the witty references to old crocks, fossils and bog bodies, a most important point is lost.

The proposed move of the Seanad into the National Museum’s prime public education spaces is at a cost to the taxpayer of €2 million.

In other words, an additional cost of €1 million per annum for the Senate’s sojourn in this “temporary” location.


How can this be justified? We have no information on the cost of the refurbishment of the Seanad chamber itself, or the re-instatement costs for the museum when (or if) the rooms are returned to the it.

Senators must surely see that this proposal is a folly and that an alternative location must be procured.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 6W.