Mrs Robinson's New Broom

A chara, - Having read the letter by Peig Ni Mhaille regarding the new authorised biography of Mary Robinson, I felt it incumbent…

A chara, - Having read the letter by Peig Ni Mhaille regarding the new authorised biography of Mary Robinson, I felt it incumbent on me to add a little about my experience in Aras an Uachtarain as a guest ever since we had a President and an Aras an Uachtarain.

Since 1928, when I first discovered that Irish was spoken in certain areas of Ireland and that we had a flourishing Irish theatre and that we belonged to the Celtic world, all of which I became involved in, I have been invited to Aras an Uachtarain as a guest. Some years ago I wrote of the wives of the presidents, all of whom I met, Sinead Bean de Valera being the one with whom I was most friendly.

As a result of this acquaintance I was entertained in Aras an Uachtarain during all their periods of office back to Douglas Hyde, an Craoibhin Aoibhinn, whose garden party for us Gaels was something to remember. The Aras was opened up and inside in the house and outside in the gardens we were treated to a long summer evening of hospitality where the President made time to have a little chat with everyone and the sun shone overhead as if pleased that we were there.

I have been honoured by every President since then and have experienced the friendship and hospitality of their house, which always had the warmth of a home and the dignity of personal hospitality.


I think of another summer's day when Mr De Valera welcomed John F. Kennedy to our shores and the papers told us that the US President regaled Bean an Uachtarain with his favourite Irish poetry. Again the Aras was thrown open to us inside and out - a memorable day.

Presidents had their own particular way of working in the Aras and with their guests. Undoubtedly from time to time improvements were made in the Aras but always the warmth of hospitality was there and it is difficult to believe that it came from anything but an efficient and willing staff.

To me Aras an Uachtarain was always welcoming and reassuring from the first time we had a President to the present day. - Yours etc., Eibhlin Ni Cachailriabhaigh,

Iaruachtaran an Oireachtais, Sandford Road, Baile Atha Cliath 6.