Multinationals and taxation

Sir, – While a letter writer (September 8th) makes a case for not following the EU line on setting the minimum tax rate for multinational corporations perhaps he should consider the billions of tax revenues being lost to these companies which could contribute to the healthcare and other social services in the countries that they operate. Doubtless, it was a master stroke setting a low tax rate that encouraged the foreign investment to come here in the first place, leading to economic growth and a general higher standard of living. Nonetheless, time has moved on and perhaps it's time that our present generation of executives put on their thinking caps to seek out innovative opportunities for the future. Surely it is high time that foreign companies paid a fair level of tax. Why, indeed, should we wait for the US Congress to decide what taxes should be levied on businesses when we, along with our EU partners, are capable of making such decisions for ourselves. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.