Murder of Ken Bigley

A chara, - Ken Bigley has been killed in the usual gruesome fashion by his heartless captors

A chara, - Ken Bigley has been killed in the usual gruesome fashion by his heartless captors. All of us wish his family strength in overcoming this death of their loved one.

It was not appropriate to write a letter criticising our Government and Michael D. Higgins while there was a chance that Mr Bigley might have been spared. However, as a citizen of the Western world, I was revolted by the use of Mr Bigley's Irish connections in order to try to have him freed.

This Government and Mr Higgins fawned and toadied to a group who would cut all our infidel heads off if they had the chance.

Our citizenship should not have been implicitly lauded over British or American citizenship. By doing this, Mr Higgins and the Government have helped condemn the next British and American hostages who fall into the hands of these manipulative savages. - Yours, etc.,


MUREDACH DOHERTY, Lower Beechwood Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Madam, - Kenneth Bigley is dead. Some 350 children, parents and teachers in Beslan are dead. One hundred and twenty Russians died in the Dubrovka Theatre siege. Twelve Nepalese cleaners and caterers, two American engineers and an Italian are among others executed these past few months.

Scores of Palestinians and Israelis have been shot or blown up in the past week.Tens of thousands of Iraqi lives have been lost in two years.

Why this endless terror and needless death?

The refusal to negotiate is weakness, not strength. Governments gain least, terrorists most, by not negotiating. In the end, it is the only thing that will stop more heartbreak.

While political leaders and terrorists may have strong stomachs, the public haven't. - Yours, etc.,

EDA SMYTH, Marlborough Road, Dublin 4.

Madam, - Yes, it was a cruel and barbaric act and you might say it could not happen in Ireland. Well it did, too many times in the North during the past 30 years - the only difference being that the IRA and others omitted to make video recordings when carrying out each atrocity.

At least in Iraq the bodies are left where they can be recovered for a Christian or other form of burial.

As you know, our own terrorists, even now, cannot remember where they dumped a number of Irish bodies, both male and female. - Yours, etc.,

TURLOUGH LYNCH, Woodside Drive, Dublin 14.

Madam, - The murder of Ken Bigley, timed as it was for maximum political effect, should be a wake-up call for those who regularly argue the case for a "peaceful" solution to the ongoing fight against international terrorism.

Despite the brickbats from their own "free" media, two world leaders, Mr Tony Blair and Mr George Bush, stand head and shoulders above the rest, as the videotapes of the slaughter of Mr Ken Bigley and the two American hostages removes any doubt about the justification for military intervention wherever this evil exists.

International terrorism has spread its tentacles around the world and will require a worldwide response. A hesitant Europe and a paralysed United Nations must be a source of some comfort to those who glory in murder and mayhem. - Yours, etc.,

NIALL GINTY, Killester, Dublin 5.