Murder of Ken Bigley

A chara, - Like Kevin Myers (An Irishman's Diary, October 12th), I was horrified by the inevitable outcome of poor Ken Bigley…

A chara, - Like Kevin Myers (An Irishman's Diary, October 12th), I was horrified by the inevitable outcome of poor Ken Bigley's ordeal. Again, like Mr. Myers, I was horrified that the Government could be so short-sighted in its reaction. All decent people wanted to see Mr Bigley reunited with his family, but few expected it.

Given the Government's position of allegiance and assistance to US foreign policy, I find it hard to accept that anyone at Iveagh House could have believed that an Irish passport would help Mr Bigley's plight.

One thing is certain, though, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will torture and execute an Irishman with the same ease as a Briton or an American. That is a measure of al-Zarqawi, but it also indicates how we are viewed.

The efforts of Iveagh House show either an ignorance of the nature of men like al-Zarqawi or a desire to have one's cake and eat it. If we are to provide assistance to the US during these times, we must be steadfast and resolute in all matters. The Iveagh House efforts, while possibly well intentioned, are tantamount to negotiating with terrorists. - Is mise,


NOEL MOORE, Rathmines, Dublin 6.