Sir, Kevin Myers predictably condemns Michael Collins (September 26th)

Sir, Kevin Myers predictably condemns Michael Collins (September 26th). The 1918 elections gave Sinn Fein a clear mandate to proceed with the establishment of an independent State. When this met with resistance by the occupying power, which had entrenched its position by violence and maintained it through the threat or application of violence, sometimes on a vicious scale against the defenceless, war followed, with atrocities committed by both belligerents.

To pretend that war did not exist, and that Collins and his followers were nothing more than illegitimate murderers, is similar to condemning George Washington and other freedom fighters in the same terms. As always, Mr Myers displays his wilful ignorance of the history of Irish nationalism in his attempt to justify the imperialism that oppressed it. Yours, etc..

North Great George's Street, Dublin 1.