Naming children’s hospital after Dr Lynn

Sir, – I applaud Diarmuid Ferriter’s excellent article on Dr Kathleen Lynn (Opinion, October 28th) and support his opinion that the new children’s hospital be named in her honour.

Dr Kathleen Lynn (1874-1955) was a remarkable woman. She devoted her life as a doctor predominantly to the care of poor young children in Dublin. Dr Lynn and Madeline french-Mullen founded St Ultan’s Hospital for infants in Charlemont Street, Dublin in 1919. Not only did the hospital treat ill and malnourished infants, but it also tried to educate the community on ways to prevent illness. St Ultan’s Hospital’s most important legacy to public health in Ireland was the introduction of BCG vaccination for prevention of TB.

Dr Lynn was also an ardent nationalist who, as chief medical officer for the Irish Citizen Army, treated the wounded during the Rising and was imprisoned afterwards.

These achievements make Dr Lynn worthy of having her name included in the title of the new hospital. – Yours, etc,



Consultant Paediatrician


Our Lady’ Hospital for Sick

Children, Dublin 12.