Sir, I have absolutely no problem with the English, or any country's national anthem being played at Lansdowne Road

Sir, I have absolutely no problem with the English, or any country's national anthem being played at Lansdowne Road. I do have a problem with the Irish National Anthem not being played at Twickenham, Cardiff Arms Park and all the other rugby stadia around the world when Ireland is playing.

I am well aware that the non playing of our National Anthem in foreign fields has nothing to do with rugby unions in the various countries; indeed, it is noteworthy that the announcement over the public address system at Cardiff Arms Park on February 1st referred to "the anthems."

National anthems before rugby internationals are clearly important. This is evidenced by the obvious gusto with which the players of England, Wales, Scotland, France, etc sing their own anthems.

While one tries to understand the sensitivities of the Ulster players on the national team, a little reciprocal tolerance and respect for democracy would not be amiss. Perhaps The Sash as well as Amhran na bhFiann, before internationals played in other countries, might assuage these sensitivities. Anything would be better than that quasipop song written by Phil Coulter for the 1995 World Cup. - Yours, etc.,


Upper Glenageary Road,

Co Dublin.