National Museum

Sir, - A recent article in Phoenix refers to the launch of a biography of Sean Lemass

Sir, - A recent article in Phoenix refers to the launch of a biography of Sean Lemass. The author states that "there was no shortage of politicians sizing up the splendid building which is soon to be appropriated by the body politic after they finished banishing the museum out to Collins Barracks".

An article in the November issue of Image states that the new premises of the National Museum in Collins Barracks "will house many more artefacts than could be accommodated in its old premises at Kildare Street". On November 17th Frank McDonald in The Irish Times states that when Junior Minister Martin Cullen was asked whether there was any intention of incorporating the National Museum into the Oireachtas complex, he replied that this was "not really a matter for today".

If an eviction of the National Museum from its central location in Kildare Street is being planned, however, it is a matter of immediate concern to the many citizens of this State who are concerned with the national heritage and who would appreciate seeing the merits and demerits of such a scheme being discussed more openly. - Yours, etc.,

From Dr Catherine Swift


Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Burlington Road, Dublin 4.