Nationalism and corporal punishment

Sir, – Sean O'Donnell is ungracious in his assessment of the contribution of the Christian Brothers to Irish nationalism ("Gaelic Catholic nationalism and corporal punishment in 1966", Opinion & Analysis, December 29th). The excessive corporal punishment by some Christian Brothers was inexcusable and unworthy of religious teachers. However, corporal punishment was the norm of discipline in all schools in these bygone years, even in the upmarket schools in Britain.

Mr O’Donnell ignores the tremendous contribution to Irish nationalism by the Christian Brothers. Most of the patriotic people of 1916 were former pupils of the Christian Brothers. There were 125 volunteers from O’Connell School, including Eamon Ceannt, Sean Heuston and Con Colbert. Westland Row School and Synge Street had 30 volunteers each. Westland Row had Patrick and Willie Pearse, and Synge Street had WT Cosgrave and Todd Andrews. De Valera was heard to say that he was an individual who owed practically everything to the Christian Brothers. – Yours, etc,


Raheny, Dublin 5.