'Nazi' remarks by Fr Alex Reid

Madam, - Fr Alex Reid has come in for severe criticism from the media and, to a lesser extent, the political establishment for…

Madam, - Fr Alex Reid has come in for severe criticism from the media and, to a lesser extent, the political establishment for his claim that what the nationalists endured under several unionist governments in Northern Ireland was akin to what the Jews suffered under Nazism.

It was wrong, stupid and ridiculous to draw such a parallel, even if it was said in the heat of the moment when emotions were high. Many people within the Jewish and Protestant communities, north and south, found it deeply offensive and hurtful.

Yet I cannot help feeling sorry for Fr Reid. For here is a man who for more than 20 years has worked quietly, along with others, to persuade the IRA to call a permanent halt to its cruel, vicious, disgusting and sectarian "armed struggle".

For me, one of the most enduring images of the Troubles was that of Fr Alex Reid kneeling beside two British soldiers to give them the last rites as they lay dying. It was an image of someone driven by deep faith, someone full of compassion who was trying to give some comfort to young men who had not long to live. He did not care that they were British soldiers. He would have done the same for anybody else, including IRA and loyalist paramilitaries. All life for Fr Reid is precious and deserves dignity.


Fr Reid has deeply regretted what he has said. He has accepted his comparison was wrong and hurtful and has apologised unreservedly. We should accept his apology and move on.

Lastly we should never forget the good this man has done. Everyone on this island should be eternally grateful. I know I am. - Yours etc,

THOMAS KELLY, Brannockstown, Naas, Co Kildare.