Need for action on animal cruelty

Madam, - Why is it that in a society as progressive and as educated as Ireland, we still have an environment where animal abuse…

Madam, - Why is it that in a society as progressive and as educated as Ireland, we still have an environment where animal abuse, often rampant, goes unchecked?

What struck me most about the conviction for animal cruelty of the Skibbereen farmer Kenneth Combes was that he had several previous convictions for animal cruelty ( The Irish Times, July 28th). Despite this, he kept domestic and farm animals without intervention of the law or the Department of Agriculture.

Only for the brave actions of Della Murray, the young woman who bravely intervened, would this man have continued to inflict misery and depravity on innocent creatures? When, if at all, does the Department of Agriculture regulate such farmers?

Now that the Greens are in power, I urge them to set up a governmental animal welfare agency, which was promised in their election campaign. It beggars belief that, as one of the richest countries in the world, we have very sparse resources in this area.


One may argue that there may be more immediate or greater causes. But surely we can tackle society's ills simultaneously? You don't spend all your resources solving public health issues while ignoring, say, environmental ones. Animal abuse can and must be taken seriously. If you can't be guided by reason or compassion, then be guided by religion, be it Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism, which all make reference to animal welfare.

Look no further than Proverbs 12:10. "A righteous man regards the life of his animal." - Yours, etc,

KIERAN DOYLE, Castlefreke, Rosscarbery, Co Cork.