Need for gardai 'on the beat'

Madam, - The major function of every democratic police force is the prevention of crime, and when crime is committed the detection…

Madam, - The major function of every democratic police force is the prevention of crime, and when crime is committed the detection and punishment of offenders.

The protection of life and property, the absence of crime and the maintenance of public tranquillity are the factors which together will show whether or not this aim has been achieved.

By far the most efficient and effective crime prevention measure is the presence of a police officer in uniform patrolling the streets and public places in such a way and to such an extent that the public can expect him or her to appear at any time of the day or night.

By patrolling in this manner police officers make direct contact with people from all walks of life, and by doing so create a sense of security and well-being. But the most important benefit generated by such a system is the acquisition of all possible kinds of useful anti-crime information, of which members of the public are the only custodians.


If this kind of personal contact is not made, such information will not be forthcoming. And such contact cannot be made from patrol cars.

Patrol cars are, of course, essential; but they can never take the place of the "Bobby on the beat". He or she is the cornerstone of an effective and efficient police force.

As I see it, there is only one problem where our police service is concerned and that is there are not enough officers available to deal satisfactorily with all the responsibilities modern life is piling onto their shoulders - of which the coming May Day conference of some 30 EU heads of state in Dublin is a prime example.

The truth is we need more policemen and we need them now. The current level of recruitment is doing little more than replacing normal wastage.

Any government that is prepared to find the resources to recruit an additional 3,000 gardaí will have my vote in perpetuity and also, I feel confident, that of all responsible members of the public. - Yours, etc.,


Friars Hill,

Wicklow Town,

Co Wicklow.