Need To Clean Up Canals

Sir, - Now that Dublin is making sizeable sums out of the tourist industry, would it not be a sensible idea to invest more money…

Sir, - Now that Dublin is making sizeable sums out of the tourist industry, would it not be a sensible idea to invest more money in the tourist infrastructure? I refer particularly to the disgraceful state of the Grand Canal in south Dublin between districts 2 and 4, the banks of which are much walked by both Dubliners and tourists. It is full of miscellaneous rubbish from shopping trolleys to hamburger packaging and has obviously never been cleaned or gardened for years.

I can understand that the inland waterways authorities have a national network to maintain, and that there could be some problem about giving preference to one small stretch. I suggest that this stretch be handed over to Dublin Corporation Parks Department, because this is after all in the nature of a public park. - Yours, etc.,

Brian Crowley, Leinster Square, Rathmines, Dublin 6.